Welcome to FUNDamentals.Software, the virtual host for several web-based software applications used by school districts across the United States. FUNDamentals.Software is owned and maintained by Visual Solutions, LLC, developers and proprieters of MyFUNDamentals software.
Outside Meal Programs
Capture Attendance and Meal Counts for Outside Meal Programs
~ Unlimited Number of Outside Meal Programs
Instant Reporting by Meal Program, Site, and Meal Type
~ Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Totals
~ Exports easily to Excel
~ Imports directly into MyFUNDamentals
Reviews and Custom Data Forms
Easily Build your own Review Forms
Custom Data Forms
~ Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Invoice Capture and Budget Tracker
~ Vending Machine Collection Logging
~ Contracted Meals
Standard Data Forms
Easily Build your own Data Forms
~ Define your own Data Elements
~ Link Sites to Data Elements
~ Set Daily Schedules for Sites and Data Elements
~ Site-based Data Entry by Day, Week, or Month

Automatic Reporting by Site, and Element
~ Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Totals
~ Exports easily to Excel
~ Imports directly into MyFUNDamentals
Red Apple Dining - WebClock
Capture Time and Attendance for Foodservice Staff
~ Built to work with multiple Temporary Staffing Agencies
~ Easy to use virtual Pin Pad works on any web-enabled device
~ Unlimited Number of Sites and Team Members
Reporting by Agency and Site
~ Exports easily to Excel and Peoplesoft
~ Imports directly into MyFUNDamentals
KidZone - Webclock
Support for AM/PM shifts
~ Team Members can clock in/out from any site
~ Assign Weekly Plan Hours for Site Coordinators
Resource Links
~ WebClock Setup Documents
MyFUNDamentals Express
Completely Web-Based version of the MyFUNDamentals software
~ Ideal for single site school foodservice operations
~ Easy to setup and get started.
Budget Tracker
Site based invoice capture system
~ Unlimited number of sites and vendors
~ Budget by Vendor and Site.
Upload invoice scans or images from any web-connected device
~ Instant reports by vendor, vendor type, and site
WebOrders and Inventory
Vendor or Warehouse Ordering
~ Create/Modify/Print/Receive Orders
~ Designed for use by site/kitchen managers
Inventory Management
~ Monthly Counts
~ Valuation Reporting
Visual Solutions
Other Resources